The doctor may examine your shoulder, upper arm, elbow, wrist, and hand, even if you complain only of arm pain. Sometimes, nerves may be injured at the same time that the bone is broken, which can result in hand and wrist weakness and numbness. Check to see if you can move your fingers and wrist, and can feel things with your fingers.Check your pulse at the wrist to be sure that good blood flow is getting through your forearm to your hand.This can indicate other broken bones or injuries. Palpate (feel) all around your arm to determine if there are any other areas of tenderness.This leads to an increased risk for infection. Bone fragments can break through the skin and create lacerations. Examine your skin to see if there are any cuts from the injury.Your doctor also needs to know if you take any medications.Īfter discussing your symptoms and medical history, your doctor will do a careful examination. For example, if you fell from a ladder, how far did you fall? It is just as important for your doctor to know if you sustained any other injuries and if you have any other medical problems, such as diabetes. It is important that your doctor knows the circumstances of your injury. Most people with forearm fractures will need to seek immediate treatment.